
  • Crusty Tartlet – 1 pack
  • Egg – 1 pcs
  • Raspberry – 75 g
  • Flour – 1 tsp
  • Milk – 125 ml
  • Butter – 100 g
  • Vanilla – 100 g


  1. Heat a dry frying pan. Heat the flour on over low heat for 3–4 minutes. Grind the eggs with sugar and vanilla. In the flour, stirring constantly, pour the egg-sugar mixture. Stir until smooth. Heat the milk, but do not boil, pour a thin stream of the mixture of eggs, sugar and flour, without stopping to stir. Cook on very low heat until thick, without stopping to interfere. Cover with cling film so that no film is formed on the surface and cool. Blend butter at a room temperature, add custard.
  2. Fill tartlets with a cream and decorate with berries, put into a fridge for 30–40 min for cooling.